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Q: Does Acupuncture hurt?


A: Depends on your pain tolerance! The insertion of a filiform needle (~.1-.2mm in diameter) creates more of a dull sensation than a stabbing one. In areas with lots of muscle and fat, there is no perceptible feeling at all. In areas closer to bone, there might be a slight aching response, comparable to experiencing a minor cramp. Once the needle is inserted, there is almost always a warm and distending feeling; this is Qi circulating and serves as a sign of proper insertion. Once the needle has been placed, there should be absolutely no pain; if there is, immediately alert your acupuncturist and he/she will have the needle removed. 


If you've ever had your ears pierced, received a tattoo, or gotten a flu shot, acupuncture will most likely be a cakewalk. Don't let your fear of needles prevent you from a better life! 

Q: What's the catch behind your business credo?


A: There is none. Health services should be a globally recognized human right and it starts with practitioners that prioritize well-being over business. After treatment, all you have to do is fill out a survey and write a short review on your experience. This allows the practitioner to earn the trust of his patients and produce better treatment plans in the future.  


Q: Why choose this when I can just go to my primary doctor or physical therapist?


A: Your needs. How many times have you gone to the doctor for chronic stomach pain, only to be prescribed PPI's and a generic plan consisting of plain foods and rest? If Western techniques are like putting out a fire, Eastern medicine is building a fire-proof foundation. While it is often not the urgent solution, it serves the purpose of addressing all the intermediate questions you might have about your condition.


"Why is it not getting better despite adhering to the doctor's orders?" "What can I eat and starting when?" "What other issue could be contributing to my current condition?"


OPTIM has the answers for you. Do not worry! OPTIM will refer you to the proper specialist if we feel that a condition is not best treated with our services. 


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